Hello! this might seem like a very small thing to stress about, but I was wondering if there was a way to change the names for new trasform constraints that Spine suggests by deafult.
The reason I'm asking is because I make a lot of 2.5D face rigs for work, and I have to create a constraint for every single facial and hair bone. When creating a constraint the name it suggests by default is the name of the target bone (in my case the face_front bone). If it was the other way around, I could shave a ton of time off of my rigging workflow, but for now I have to manually rename every single one of those constraints to the name of the bone it affects instead.
I know it seems very minor, but it's been bothering me long enough to think that there MUST be a way to address it somehow, but there's nothing like that in the settings or anywhere else, unless I just haven't found it yet