I've noticed that when a bone rotates within a single animation, it does distinguish between a rotation position of 360° vs. 0° or -360°. I've read that this wasn't always the case with Spine... it used to treat those numbers the same, and take the shortest path, making a rotation of more than 180° impossible without adding keys. I appreciate the new approach.
However when I blend between animations (whether in Spine or at runtime) the bones revert to the old approach and can rotate in the wrong direction. Am I correct in understanding that this is just a limitation of Spine? It would be extremely helpful-- at least in my project-- if the rotation principles were consistent whether playing a single animation or blending them.
I can avoid the undesirable behavior in my project by writing a bunch of code specific for my use case. It just seems like a backwards way of doing it if there's any way to alter the rotation behavior via Spine. Is there a simpler solution I've overlooked, or do I just need to get to work on some extra code?
(I'm using Unity if it matters. I haven't posted this in the Unity forum because the results are the same in the Spine editor so I don't think it's a runtime-specific question.)
Please and thank you for any guidance.