• Spine to Corgi Unity

Hey, Ive been trying to get the workflow from spine to corgi figured out and no luck. I've been able to export my moves from spine to corgi, but don't know where to go from there. Any advice or step by step, even to just assign a character to use the corgi controller? Thanks in advance!

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duanesters đã viết

Hey, Ive been trying to get the workflow from spine to corgi figured out and no luck. I've been able to export my moves from spine to corgi, but don't know where to go from there. Any advice or step by step, even to just assign a character to use the corgi controller? Thanks in advance!

Hi duanesters,

I'm currently very busy on a project, I'll reply as soon as I can. I suggest you in the meanwhile to ask in the forum or on the unity forum as well in the CorgiEngine thread, the developer is very fast and kind with support request.

Alessandro Salvati

Thank you SO much for replying. No luck so far with Renaud, he always refers to a tutorial that is incomplete so not much use to me 🙂 When you get a chance that would be great! So far this is where I'm at.

So far here is where I am at...

-Brought in working spine character and animations
-In my spine characters skeleton animator controller, attached a duplicate of space corgi controller, found in the exported from spine folder
-Attached idle, jump, run and walk animations to the respective ones in said corgi controller
-Made duplicate of spine space corgi in playable characters folder, attached new controller within animator
-Opened up Lava level, Level Manager, Playable characters and assigned my character with previous said connections attached.
-Hit play and I still end up with the default corgi

Not sure if this is correct or completely long. Thanks again for your help!

duanesters đã viết

Thank you SO much for replying. No luck so far with Renaud, he always refers to a tutorial that is incomplete so not much use to me 🙂 When you get a chance that would be great! So far this is where I'm at.

So far here is where I am at...

-Brought in working spine character and animations
-In my spine characters skeleton animator controller, attached a duplicate of space corgi controller, found in the exported from spine folder
-Attached idle, jump, run and walk animations to the respective ones in said corgi controller
-Made duplicate of spine space corgi in playable characters folder, attached new controller within animator
-Opened up Lava level, Level Manager, Playable characters and assigned my character with previous said connections attached.
-Hit play and I still end up with the default corgi

Not sure if this is correct or completely long. Thanks again for your help!

Hi Duane,

I know, it's not very straightforward.

I'm using mechanim and a skeleton animator.

I populate the animator/controller using the tool at the bottom when you select the skeletondata. When you get the baked clips on the animator/Controller, you simply use it as it was a standard mecanim controller, by setting variables and transitions to each animation node.

I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can, but have 3 deadlines this month, one for a trailer, one for the press and the last one with the client. And more are coming in February.

I'm marking the email with "to answer to" so that I won't forget. When I have free time I could also make a Skype call to explain.

Alessandro Salvati.

duanesters đã viết

Thank you SO much for replying. No luck so far with Renaud, he always refers to a tutorial that is incomplete so not much use to me 🙂 When you get a chance that would be great! So far this is where I'm at.

So far here is where I am at...

-Brought in working spine character and animations
-In my spine characters skeleton animator controller, attached a duplicate of space corgi controller, found in the exported from spine folder
-Attached idle, jump, run and walk animations to the respective ones in said corgi controller
-Made duplicate of spine space corgi in playable characters folder, attached new controller within animator
-Opened up Lava level, Level Manager, Playable characters and assigned my character with previous said connections attached.
-Hit play and I still end up with the default corgi

Not sure if this is correct or completely long. Thanks again for your help!

Btw, now that I remember it, my experience with Renaud was not so good either, doesn't listen to feedback and gets pissed off when you can't make him understand that something is badly implemented.

I'm probably going back to PlatformerPro after this project. The dev is definitely more friendly and the engine has a shitload more features than Corgi. Corgi so far seems to be good for games that don't differ too much from the corgi examples, it's rather simplified and Reanud really wants to keep it simple. If you want to try something different, you're often on your own, or you're treated witha facade of kindness.

Or maybe it's just me that can't understand his behaviour, but I think I'm far from being aggressive.

Anyway, I've got to go back to the project, I will try to get in touch with you asap.

My Skype contact is xandor81, feel free to add me, maybe I can find a moment to talk a bit about my experience with Spine and Corgi.

Alessandro Salvati

Thank you for keeping me in mind Allesandro. Yes, I've been wanting to write a scathing review. Since March, the times I've emailed him, not ONCE has he answered my question. Usually its a canned response like 'google it, or goto the forums' when before I made my purchase he said he would always be open to answer questions. Support through him is worthless and nonexistent.

I did pick up Platformer Pro, I may look into that if I hit another wall here. I do appreciate you taking the time to help. Heck, let me know your paypal and I'll pay you for help even, it is appreciated! But yeah, let me know when you are free. No rush, I'll be doing what I can at my end. I've tried what you stated, I think its just my connections might be incorrect, not sure but I've looked and all looks good so I'm at a loss.

In anycase, good luck with your project I'll be around! I do have skype, but gotta figure out my email I used (rarely on it) I'm over in the los angeles area btw, I at least owe you a beer if you are ever around!


8 ngày sau

Hello Allessandro, hope all is well. Still no luck with implementing spine into corgi 🙁 I keep getting to the same point and am trying to use the space corgi without any success. I just want a character that can jump and attack and thats it! Did you end up working of the space corgi as a template then try to remap your spine animations to him? No rush on a response, just dropping by.

Thanks again!

duanesters đã viết

Hello Allessandro, hope all is well. Still no luck with implementing spine into corgi 🙁 I keep getting to the same point and am trying to use the space corgi without any success. I just want a character that can jump and attack and thats it! Did you end up working of the space corgi as a template then try to remap your spine animations to him? No rush on a response, just dropping by.

Thanks again!

Hi Duane, how are you using Spine? Are you using the SkeletonAnimator or SkeletonAnimation?

Hi Allessandro, busy at work here too 🙂 I'm using spine to take my character, do my animation sets to match his corgi (run, idle, walk, wall climb, melee) and try to see if I can at least replicate those. I can do fine using SkeletonAnimator, but I'd like to use SkeletonAnimation which seems to be the time saver and can bring in shadows and other things that make the runtimes worthwhile.

duanesters đã viết

Hi Allessandro, busy at work here too 🙂 I'm using spine to take my character, do my animation sets to match his corgi (run, idle, walk, wall climb, melee) and try to see if I can at least replicate those. I can do fine using SkeletonAnimator, but I'd like to use SkeletonAnimation which seems to be the time saver and can bring in shadows and other things that make the runtimes worthwhile.

Then I'm sorry, I can't help you, this is the first time I'm using Spine and I'm using the SkeletonAnimator and Mecanim.

Ok, its actually the other way around. I'd like to use Skeleton Animator and Mechanim. I think for me the main reason I want to use that is to get my Spine animations in quicker and also have simple things, such as shadows. Have you been able to get those working?

duanesters đã viết

Ok, its actually the other way around. I'd like to use Skeleton Animator and Mechanim. I think for me the main reason I want to use that is to get my Spine animations in quicker and also have simple things, such as shadows. Have you been able to get those working?

Shadows, no, I haven't even thought about those. I don't know if I can do them with SkeletonAnimator