Hello there!
I wanted to ask you a couple questions, if you don't mind
Mainly, what art styles are you comfortable with? And do you do any work on backgrounds by any chance, or just sprite animation? Do you do commissions?
Thanks in advance!
Hello there!
I wanted to ask you a couple questions, if you don't mind
Mainly, what art styles are you comfortable with? And do you do any work on backgrounds by any chance, or just sprite animation? Do you do commissions?
Thanks in advance!
You can see my work here: http://johannelight.daportfolio.com/gallery/943597
basically any art style except Hyper realism. I am very comfortable with game design in general. Objects, backgrounds, characters. I do projects/ comissions.
Thank you for inquiring.
That's really nice
Do you have a mail address, Skype or the such where we can discuss some commissions more in detail?
yes I have .
darknite_johanne at yahoo dot com
just spell out it's correct formatting.
Skype is darknitejohanne at gmail dot com