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  • How to rollback Spine to previous version in OSX.

Spine 1.7.08 crashes on OSX.

if you were using "latest" update settings, you can't rollback by Spine.app itself.
don't be confused.

here are some manual way to rollback Spine to load previous version.

you need some terminal commands, so if you are not familiar with terminal, follow these steps very carefully.

  1. open terminal.
    OSX spotlight > type "terminal" > return

  2. in terminal, change directory by type like this.
    cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Spine

  3. !CAREFUL! you should check carefully what kind of versions you have. so let's list up.
    ls updates

  4. you may see list like this if you types above.
    1.6.39 1.6.42 1.7.02 1.7.03 1.7.08

  5. find highest version that is lower than 1.7.08 version. like above, mine is 1.7.03. yours can be different. so if you have 1.7.03, type like this.
    echo "1.7.03" > version.txt

  6. run Spine.app in your Applications/ directory.

  7. enjoy previous version! NOTE that your Spine.app settings just changed to load 1.7.03 whatever updates goes. so if this bug been fixed, change update settings in Spine.app's settings menu.

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Thanks! Worked like a charm. 😉

great job writing this up. We'll have the bug fixed today so a rollback won't be needed. Sorry for the trouble 🙁

Just curious, would a reinstall from the original purchase-download link also constitute as a rollback? I tried this (while preventing it from auto-updating), and it still crashed, which is why I thought it might have had something to do with the latest Java-update.


@mps_DK actually, this is a bit different from rollback, this just activate Spine.app feature that is load previous version instead of latest version. the difference is that "a rollback is delete current version and store previous verison", and this methods is just "set Spine.app to load previous version".
so, if you reinstall Spine, launching a new installed Spine would update 1.7.08 again. (and then crashes again.)

@Shiu Yeah, trouble could be happen, it's alright. thanks for your efforts!

@FinalBossLeo Thanks.

Thanks kzerse.

I'll explain how it works start to finish, for all OSes. This file stores which update Spine will use when it starts:

Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\version.txt
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/version.txt
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/version.txt

You can create it the file doesn't exist. You can edit the file and change the update version, when you restart Spine it will use the update you specify. Be sure to specify the name of one of the updates you have, which are the folders you find here:

Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\updates\
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/updates/
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/updates/

If you specify an invalid update version in version.txt or you delete version.txt, then Spine will download the latest update.

Setting the update version in version.txt is the same as choosing a version from the Settings dialog in Spine. This means Spine will run that update and not download the latest.