I skimmed through those 2 discussions, and I agreed with the complaints from the one in english. And I also feel their points were being dismissed, deflected or argued with the insistence that the curve control is better. Yes, the curve control is better, but the usability is simply not. Reading that discussion felt as if there was some sensitivity and even offence on the Spine representative's part in defending the new graph, which is sorely misplaced in a system where users are having trouble with a tool that affects their livelihood. That user was even excessively polite in dealing with some rudeness from that Spine representative.
It's important that it's understood that we understand thoroughly, that the new graph system is better and has more detailed control, and better overall view of curves, but when you are animating and wanting to deal with immediate curves between 2 frames, it is not user friendly to have overload of information on your screen, and needing to take multiple steps in order to achieve something that once took seconds, even if it was less perfect, the usability value was higher. This is a ux issue, not a tool issue. When I say I would very much like the old graph back, I obviously don't mean "bring back the janky underneath workings that are inferior that you keep telling us about", and when the other user asks to bring back presets, it's the same story, we don't want the old graph system back. What we very much need is the usability of the old graph, and the old presets. A way to handle masses of keyframes curves in a concise readable window option, as it was before. A way to define our own presets and apply them elsewhere. We don't want to think about the relativity of the graphs and the finicky comparisons, we are animators, and we need to work quickly and with utmost control. If controlling all the curves in one single view of one single curve (as in the old editor) causes cusps, well then make an option button to smooth out cusps that takes curve control settings priority from your current curve view, or do it automatically, rather than argue with us about why the old one is worse. Take usability principles from the old one and apply them to the new system. I saw the Spine representative arguing that you can't see the curve handle controls from the small curve view of the old system causing cusps. Well, problem identified! The answer then is to make them visible, add a ghost of the neighbouring curves peeking in , and allow the user to pen left and right in the small window if they wish to check the neighboring curves quickly. Make a setting button that automatically adjusts the surrounding curves based on the curve changes the user has made in the current small graph focus between key A and key B. There are so many ways to bring back features of the old tool without threatening that the old tool was simply inferior and not good enough and you won't bring it back, you don't deem it necessary. We are your users, and the old Spine versions are your product, and we happily used it, even though it had these small imperfections in the graph! Please avoid letting developers belittle the needs of your very important users! There are other software options out there and if you neglect the usability of your software, most people will search elsewhere for other options, rather than spending their valuable time to come here and debate with your developers, or make lengthy posts addressing your product usability and the poor attitudes of your staff!
On a separate note, I very much look forward to the usability improvements you mentioned, and would love to hear about them!