Hi, I've just moved from spine 3.8 to newest spine editor (4.0.31) to do my next project and realized something that is kinda annoying about the editor:
In spine3.8 I was able to select animatioin in the [Animations] panel and duplicate (Ctrl+D) and rename (F2) it right away then keep working with what i was working with. But somehow I am not able to do so in the newest spine editor.
In spine4.0 I have to roll over all the bones and slots in [Tree] panel to do it (which is a pain in something especially when I have multiple skeletons opened). (I don't know if this feature is removed or is it replaced by another more convernient feature?)
The same experience is happening in skin panel.

One more thing that would be really convernient if there be a feature like layer lock in Photoshop, like, if I open 2 skeletons at same time to:
- Work with 1 of them and
- Use the 2nd skeleton as a reference,
It would be wonderful if it is able to lock acsess to all bones and mesh in the reference one, or to lock something specific to work with others

p/s It might be weird but I was not sure about what to fill in the title section so I apologize if that is not specific enough