• Editor
  • Spine 4.0 is here!

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Nate đã viết

@[đã xóa] I'm not sure what's going on there. Mario will be along soon to help out. You might want to create a new thread for your specific problem, so it doesn't get lost in the general 4.0 release discussion.

OK, i will wait for him in another topic at "Bugs" section.

So, I recommend all of UE Editor 4.26 users do not update for 4.0 right now, because it's have an issue with plugin's building stage

npm pixi-spine/all-4.0 is up to date, works with pixi 5 & 6.

Let's hope 4.1 has godot. That's my go to 2d game engine

một tháng sau

@Arun, you'll need to download and reinstall Spine from your Spine license page. If you can't find it:
Spine: License Recovery
Sorry about that, a certificate expired in older Spine installations but also you need a new launcher to run 4.0.

I downloaded the new Installer... had a NSIS error!
solved that problem and when installing it quarter way through I had an error saying corrupt Installer...
so now I cant install the new one and lost the old one too...

the installer freezes and closes when Extracting: jvm.dll to about 26% everytime...
if the installer is corrupt where can we download the previous version? I replaced the last working installer with the new one.

Sorry you are having trouble! The installer is not corrupt on the server, so you can just download it again to get a good file. You may need to disable antivirus or similar software as sometimes such software will damage or delete files it wrongly thinks are malicious.

một tháng sau

How can i log in web site's main page to download spine incstaller
Or the only way to download spine is that link that i recieved when i bought it?

Your Spine license link is how you download the Spine installer. If you can't find it, try this:
Spine: License Recovery
If you still can't find it, you can email us: contact@esotericsoftware.com