(I should first off say that Spine 4.0 is an incredible update and the graph editor is a true godsend)
I'm aware that linear filtering was replaced with smoothing settings in 4.0, but I have found that either a) the smoothing levels are broken or b) are perhaps unable to recreate the high image quality of linear filtering.
I find there is zero difference between smoothing level 10 and 100 (and bicubic).As soon as I go from 'nearest' at 0%, which is very pixellated, to anything above it, it's as if there is no gradation between 0 and 100. Compared to Spine 3.8s exporting, which is very sharp, but not jagged, what I assume would be Bilinear 20% or so.
I am running Windows 64bit Pro, Spine 4.0.02. Here are my settings in case I have missed something obvious, but I feel like this is a bug with the smoothing slider/smoothing algorithm.