I have multiple images (Head, legs, torso) in a single PNG file created with the TexturePacker application (not an Esoteric app) and I have added this file to the 'Images' folder in my project. I also have an .atlas file for the PNG file but cannot see how to import this data into Spine Essentials.
My steps:
- Added my PNG file to the project (in 'Images')
- Added multiple bones to my skeleton - a human figure with head, torso, arms and legs. Each bone has a slot.
How do I select the head bone slot for example, and assign it the region in the PNG at x = 64, y=64, width=32, height=32 ?
This is basically duplicating the work of the .atlas file.....
Will continue to read the User Manual.
Looks like this is not possible. I found this in Images - Spine User Guide
"Each part of the skeleton that will move independently needs to be a separate image file."