Nick It failed to export. Only happens in beta. Build 3.8 can export without problem. Export Error Sample.7z
Nate How did it fail? Is there anything in spine.log? I exported it as binary + atlas and it loaded fine in the Skeleton Viewer. Ah, I see exporting as JSON + atlas using "pack image folder" makes an atlas that has the circles showing at runtime.
Nick Packing.... Writing 512 x 256: E:\Spine Sample Projects\Export Error Sample\export\ReviveSkyLights.png WARNING: Error packing images: [error] Copying 287020 (288000) to 358,-1 (512x256). at s.zlX.(:91) at s.zlX.B(:174) at s.Xdx.(:426) at s.Xdx.(:267) at s.Xdx.(:187) at s.ieS.(:109) at s.BlO.(:274) at s.hBJ.(:237) at s.BlO.(:76) at s.BlO.(:179) at s.EoF.(:97) at s.SII.(:611) at Source) Cause: [aioob] Index -616 out of bounds for length 524288 at s.zlX.(_:82) ...
Nate Gotcha. Fixed in 4.0.63-beta, along with a packing issue. Will release today. Thanks for your patience with these problems. We'll get them all nailed down! 4.0.63-beta is up!