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  • photoshop to spine script error in photoshop 2021

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hi all.
first time user. 😉

i'm trying to export a practice file from photoshop. when i use the script i get an error.

anyone have any ideas? thx in advance.

(when i 'left-click' the link, nothing happens (using chrome). when i right-click and save as, it saves a .jsx file)

It looks like you got some HTML instead of the actual JSX file. Please try this link:
Right click and save as should work. Worst case you can left click the link, select all the code text in your browser, copy, and paste it into a text file called PhotoshopToSpine.jsx.

17 ngày sau

I faced the unexpected error while instaling the ""Photoshop to Spine script"".
The error message says to use the ""Adobe ExtendScript"" to debug the issue. But after I used it, the script hasn't been installed as well.
In that ""Adobe ExtendScript"" application I saw the line
try {
dialog.add("image", undefined, new File(scriptDir() + "logo.png"));
} catch (ignored) {}

Maybe it will help).

I used the jsx file, attached to the video

We have instructions on how to use ExtendScript to find the problematic line of code:

The debugger will stop where there is try/catch, but that is normal and not a problem. Press F5 to continue and see where else it stops. The last place it stops is where the problem is.

9 tháng sau

PhotoshopToSpine v7.14 started to crash with an unexpected error (line 355).

I have not figured out how to debug through VisualStudioCode, and AdobeExtendScript is no longer available on Adobe.com, but noticed that the crash occurs when the script finds [merge] in the group names. So far I have solved the problem by manually merging layers in Photoshop... :wounded:

I hope this will help those who also have problems with debugging :rolleyes: