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photoshop to spine script error in photoshop 2021
hi all.
first time user.
i'm trying to export a practice file from photoshop. when i use the script i get an error.
anyone have any ideas? thx in advance.
(when i 'left-click' the link, nothing happens (using chrome). when i right-click and save as, it saves a .jsx file)
It looks like you got some HTML instead of the actual JSX file. Please try this link:
Right click and save as should work. Worst case you can left click the link, select all the code text in your browser, copy, and paste it into a text file called PhotoshopToSpine.jsx
I faced the unexpected error while instaling the ""Photoshop to Spine script"".
The error message says to use the ""Adobe ExtendScript"" to debug the issue. But after I used it, the script hasn't been installed as well.
In that ""Adobe ExtendScript"" application I saw the line
try {
dialog.add("image", undefined, new File(scriptDir() + "logo.png"));
} catch (ignored) {}
Maybe it will help).
I used the jsx file, attached to the video
We have instructions on how to use ExtendScript to find the problematic line of code:
The debugger will stop where there is try/catch
, but that is normal and not a problem. Press F5 to continue and see where else it stops. The last place it stops is where the problem is.
PhotoshopToSpine v7.14 started to crash with an unexpected error (line 355).
I have not figured out how to debug through VisualStudioCode, and AdobeExtendScript is no longer available on Adobe.com, but noticed that the crash occurs when the script finds [merge] in the group names. So far I have solved the problem by manually merging layers in Photoshop... :wounded:
I hope this will help those who also have problems with debugging :rolleyes:
Our debugging section has links to mirrors for ExtendScript:
Hopefully you don't need to debug it though! We've fixed the problem in 7.15, available now. Sorry for the trouble!