• Editor
  • Playhead feature request

Hey all,

TVPaint has a feature I've always liked while refining poses. They have two playback modes: From beginning of the timeline, and From current position. With Current Position, say you're on a key halfway through the timeline and you're adjusting a pose to see how it plays against the others. You hit play to watch it through a few times, but when you stop the playhead is automatically positioned on the key you started from so you can easily make more adjustments to that pose.

Within Spine I find myself hunting back to the key I began with very often. Does this sound like something doable or of interest?

Thanks as always for the great work.


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In 4.0 when playing forward you can press play backward to jump back to where you started. You can also map the hotkey Play Forward / Reset, which allows you to jump back to where you where by press play forward while already playing forward. That is a bit better, but we couldn't make it the default for play forward because people may be used to pressing play forward stopping at the current frame.

Thanks Nate, I think that makes sense. I'll play with those hotkeys and see how that feels.

Hey Nate, that Play Forward / Reset was what I was looking for. Thanks for the help!

You can also attach Preview window with current animation playing in it, to the right-bot

now when you play it plays from current pose in viewport but in preview you always can see how it impacts on final animation.

Thanks warmanw, I'll be sure to give that a look!