• Editor
  • Spine Editor Language doesn't change

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I am unsuccessfully trying to change my Spine's editor language from Russian to English.
I check it the settings menu, Spine tells me that that change will apply only after I restert Spine.
I restart Spine and it's still in russian.

Could you help me with that please.
Thank you

same thing..

What version of the launcher and editor are you using? Can you please post your spine.log?

My guess is you are using an editor version < 4.0 and changing the language in that editor version's settings dialog. When you run the new Spine launcher it stores the language setting separately, so is not updated with the language choice you made. When you click Start in the launcher to run the editor, the launcher changes the editor settings to use the language set in the launcher.

What you can do is set the language in the launcher, then any editor version you start will have that language. If you have checked Start automatically in the launcher, you can click anywhere as soon as you see the launcher window to cancel starting automatically.

6 ngày sau

At my first launch, I have checked "French" and impossible to change it to "English" after that. I have uninstall then reinstall with English.
Now, I know that it's possible to cancel starting automacally.