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  • MacBook Air M1 fails to open

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Hey all,

I'm setting up a new MacBook Air M1 laptop, and unfortunately get an immediate crash before Spine can open. Any thoughts on how best to proceed or problem solve?


Can you please post your spine.log file, if it exists? Spine Troubleshooting: spine.log

If it doesn't, you can run the Console app, choose All Messages, then start Spine and watch the output in the Console app.

Hey Nate,
There wasn't a log file, and I'm having trouble parsing the stream of data in the Console. Though I am seeing a cluster of this error:

Failed to write key 1950829892 to SMC with error code 86

I also have the Apple crash report if you think that would be helpful. Do you have an email I could send that to?

Sure: contact@esotericsoftware.com

System Management Controller (SMC) is a chip on the logic board that controls all power functions for your computer. Not sure it is related, but maybe.

Thanks Nate, email sent.