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Trial to Essential Graph Tab
Hi! So, I was playing with the Trial version for about a week before deciding to go ahead and buy the Essential version. I know there are some things likes meshes that are only in the Pro version, however the entire Graph tab seems to be completely empty of all the options and buttons that were there in the Trial version and I can't figure out how to bring them back. Help please?
This is what I could see in the Trial:
And this is all there is visible in Essential:
Sorry for the confusion. The trial is always the latest version. Currently we are in the midst of v4-beta, so the trial is currently the latest beta (4.0.23-beta at the moment) while the latest non-beta is currently 3.8.99.
Using Spine Essential you can use the new graph in the beta, just choose Latest beta
from the Spine launcher, or in the Spine settings dialog. Please note the ramifications of using a beta version, namely that there may not yet be runtime support:
Settings - Spine User Guide: Version
Ok, how do I update it? Every time I try both selecting Latest and checking the box below it to allow Beta builds it tells me it won't take effect until I restart the program. I restart it and it loads up exactly as it was before with the box unchecked and in the exact same version as before. It says Spine version: 3.8.99 ESS, launcher: 4.0.12-legacy just as it always has. I have only bought and downloaded the Essential version a few days ago. I tried redownloading the entire program from the link in my license email and got the same exact version I already had.
Ah, I see. So editor versions older than v4 store their settings differently. The launcher will pick up the version you set in the older version, but it won't see when you have checked "beta updates" in the older editor version. Eventually few people will be running the older editor versions, so this won't be an issue.
Anyway, it's best to set the version using the launcher. When you start Spine, the launcher shows a splash screen and a Start
button. If you have checked Start automatically
the launcher won't stop at the splash screen. In that case click anywhere on the launcher when it first appears, that will cancel the auto start. On the splash screen you can choose the language and version. Choose Latest beta
for version, click Start
, and you're good to go.
Thank you! Sorry for the impatience, I was frustrated. I did indeed have start automatically checked but was able to cancel that and change the version there and it now shows everything I was seeing before. Thank you so much!!
Nooo, it is our fault for making things confusing. Thank you for pointing it out to us!
To prevent others suffering in the same way, in the next version of the launcher we've improved it to detect when an old editor version sets the version to "latest non-beta" or "latest beta".