• Editor
  • FindBone() finding the right bone on a different object...

This could be my rotten coding, but I'm finding some odd behaviour in Unity with my animations.

PlayerBody has a SkeletonAnimation component, and a child object called PlayerHead, which also has a SkeletonAnimation. As a nice way of having the head animate separately to the body (for facial expressions/ talking etc) I'm setting its position and rotation every tick, to a Bone on the body animation:

public class LockToBone : MonoBehaviour {

public SkeletonAnimation ParentAnimation; // set in inspector
public string ParentBone; // set in inspector "HeadBone"
public string ourBone; // set in inspector "HeadBone"

private Skeleton parentSkeleton;
private Skeleton ourSkeleton;
private Bone parentBone;
private Bone tiedBone;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
	parentSkeleton = ParentAnimation.skeleton;
	parentBone = parentSkeleton.FindBone(ParentBone);
	ourSkeleton = GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>().skeleton;
	tiedBone = ourSkeleton.FindBone(ourBone);

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {

	tiedBone.data.rotation = parentBone.worldRotation;
	tiedBone.data.x = parentBone.worldX;
	tiedBone.data.y = parentBone.worldY;


Works great. Unless I spawn TWO of the objects. In which case each Head skeleton is set to the position of the opposite Body's bone, not its own! So Head#1 moves in accordance with Body#2's position/rotation, and Head#2 moves in accordance with Body#1's position/ rotation.

Am I doing something mind-blowingly stupid here, or have I misunderstood how FindBone works?

Any help much appreciated!


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Hmmm... digging around... presumably this is because Skeleton is a shared object between the two, and not unique to the SkeletonAnimation component?

SkeletonData (and BoneData) is shared, Skeleton (and Bone) is not. You can see the separation here:
http://esotericsoftware.com/spine/files ... iagram.png

You could load the SkeletonData twice, though this is a bit wasteful. I think you can do this:

	override public void UpdateSkeleton () {
		// Apply the animation.
		state.Update(Time.deltaTime * timeScale);

	// Add this:
	tiedBone.rotation += parentBone.worldRotation;
	tiedBone.x += parentBone.worldX;
	tiedBone.y += parentBone.worldY;

	// Call overridden method to call skeleton Update and UpdateWorldTransform.

This poses the skeleton using the AnimationState, then adjusts the bones relatively.

Note you could also probably solve this particular problem differently, using a single skeleton. Animate your skeleton body without keying the head. Animate your skeleton head without keying the body. Then apply both animations at the same time using different AnimationState tracks:

public const int BODY = 0;
public const int HEAD = 1;
state.setAnimation(BODY, "run", true);
state.setAnimation(HEAD, "laugh", false);
state.addAnimation(HEAD, "idle", true, 0);

An animation only affects the bones and slots for which it has keyframes, so there is no problem applying multiple animations each frame.

Interesting, thanks Nate. Will have a poke around.

Option 2 actually probably seems most sensible, but does HEAD in your example actually need to be set to 1 rather than zero? Is that how indices work?

Works a charm, I think. Thanks!

Ha, yes, should have been 1. 🙂