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I encountered a strange problem. The network I use daily cannot be updated, so I use mobile data to update it, and I edited a file, but I can't use it again after switching to the working network. This interface is still there. 😢

Sorry you are having trouble! I see you made requests to download the Spine installer from the Europe and USA servers. If you are in China, note Japan might be faster for you. Is there a reason you didn't choose the Japan server? If you are inside China using a VPN will help a lot when reaching servers outside China (likely you already know this).

When you run Spine at least once, it downloads the update file for the version you want to use. After that it does not need a network connection to run, unless you change to an editor version you haven't downloaded yet. When Spine starts it will always try to check for updates, but if it finds no network connection (or otherwise can't reach the server) then it will still start using the update file it downloaded previously.

When Spine gives only Retry and Close options, as you have shown, it means Spine doesn't have the update file to start the editor. In that case it can't start at all until it downloads an update file. If you give Spine, for example, your mobile data connection so it can download the update file, then it will continue to be able to run even when it cannot reach the server.

When you click Retry the timeout is increased. You can try running with `

no-timeout`, which will disable the client side networking timeout. However, this may cause Spine to sit waiting for a response that can never come if the networking connection is not good.

Please note we have built a new Spine launcher that has a bit better logic for trying servers, etc. We hope to release it in the next couple weeks!