Hi everyone,
I'm trying to find numbers regarding vertex and vertex transform maximums. I'm an animator on a mobile game project and I'm hoping we can build a general number that myself and other animators aim for so that everyone can have ample resources to create something impressive.
Erikara has been awesome sharing the problems regarding non-bone deform vertices (and to never use them, ever) while suggesting that 600 vertices is a maximum a character should have
however I need to be able to explain in what circumstances this particular number becomes the best case example as a threat to computer resources and when we can go beyond it. For example, the Bones section in Esoteric's documentation explains that a Nexus 4 begins to have difficulty past 2000 bones, but there's no such recommendation or red line to watch for with vertices and vertex transformations.
We currently have characters that are reaching a 1000-vertex count and need to scale things back for future characters but really like how animations currently look. If I were to suggest bumping up character limits to 800 vertices (and perhaps 1500 Vtransforms) for "Superpowered" characters
Is this something that developers here could reasonably recommend to run on phones as old as the Samsung S5 ? We expect to have no more than 10 of these characters rendered at a time, with VFX, background & foreground particles, and UI with PNG FX.
Thank you for your time!