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  • Reset a mesh should not remove keys.

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Hello !

So when I update an image, I often have to change its mesh and I often end up needing to reset the mesh to make it right again. But that, will remove all the keys frame for it, in all animations. I don't understand the reasoning behind this behavior? Why removing all my precious keys frames? :nerd:

I mean, in Setup mode, I can deform a mesh without removing all its key frames, so why not consider the Reset as any other deformations? I feel like it should be the same behavior than anything I do in setup mode : things I modify affect all my animations, of course, but it doesn't remove keys.

And if I really want to clear my key, I can un-check "mesh", and check it back again. Easy.

I'd be curious to learn more about this as it's often a source of extra redo-work, where I have to create a ghost duplicate of the meshed image, reset it, then go back in all animation and copy/past the mesh deformation from the ghost duplicate onto the newly reset mesh.

Hello SoulGame,

When you press the reset button in Setup mode it currently does this:

  • remove all deformations in setup pose restoring the mesh
  • remove all weights
  • remove all keys
    There is a prompt that asks if you want to remove the weights, and then one that asks if you want to remove the keys. If you choose not to remove the weights or the keys, the mesh doesn't reset.

We could possibly improve this behavior, so that:

  • if you want to just reset the mesh, it does exactly that, moving the vertices to their original positions, each vertex would still be keyed in the animations and retain the same weights values.
  • if you want to remove the weights but keep the keys, it restores the mesh (you can keeps the mesh deformation if you remove the weights from the weights view), removes the weights, and keep the deformation keys so that each vertex keeps the deformation key which is relative to the new setup pose and the old weights now removed. (this could mean things may get shifted)
    -if you want to reset the mesh, remove the weights, and remove the keys, the current behavior already does this.

Would this do what you requested or did you have a different behavior in mind?

Hello Erika, thanks for your answer and for your attention 🙂

Your first solution would be the right for me.

It seems to me that it's currently a bit inconsistent UX wise:

  • Case 1: When I modify my mesh in Setup pose, Spine doesn't remove the key frames.
  • Case 2: When I Reset my mesh (aka modify the mesh back to original), Spine wants to remove all keys frames...
    In my case, this behavior is 100% undesirable, in all scenarios. Again, if I wants to remove all the key frames of that mesh, it's easy to remove the attachment, or check off the mesh option. What I always want is just to get the vertices back to normal.

If for a reason I don't understand Spine does need to keep that behavior by default, what I would love to have is an option to keep my precious key frames. I just need Spine to do nothing, just to consider the Reset as if I just had manually move back each vertices to their original position. Although I've no idea what's going on under the hood ^^'

Thanks again

Thanks for adding it to the roadmap 🙂 For now I duplicate the mesh before reseting it, then manually copy past all key frames from the old to the new. It's not the best, but at least I don't lose everything!

Quite note: when you need to reset a Mesh and want to save its key frames, all you have to do is:

  • Duplicate the Mesh you want to reset
  • Reset the duplicated Mesh
  • Copy its vertices' positions (which are the new proper positions)
  • Past these positions onto the original Mesh vertices (which still has all its key frames!)

All keys frames are preserved and updated properly, it's the best way I've found since it doesn't require to go manually in each animations to copy past the vertices positions... (that was kinda dumb of me actually :think🙂

That's a clever workaround! Thanks for sharing it. 8) We'll still make something that is a bit easier to find in the future.