• Bugs
  • Export Bug [PNG] - multiple skins and open preview tab

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I ran into a bug that spine can't load the images for a PNG export when I have a specific skin selected and an open preview tab in the export tab. (there's a picture of what I mean)
I never had this problem with projects without any skins.
As mentioned above, I "fixed" my problem by closing the preview tab, but it took me some hours to find that out so I think it's a bug worth reporting.

Weirdly enough, when I export all skins and animations at once, only the first animation with the first skin will have these green "loading" images. The other ones will be fine.

I hope that I could help someone and in these times:

Stay healthy! 🙂

Hello, thanks for writing about the bug. This thread reposrts the same: MOV export does not seem to be functional
As written there:

We have fixed a similar looking problem in 3.8.87 which may also fix this for your project. We should release that in a day or two. Until then, you can try never opening the export preview, which may workaround the problem.

Thank you 😃

Thank you for your answer and the fast fix! 🙂