Legosky007 Why when i'm starting render - skin is becoming unselected? Restaring the program helped when small animation was on render. But when i tried to render sequence that have 600 frames, each 2000px height - i needed to restart program 2 times to make it work. In soft it looks like: Result looks like: PS: Spine Launcher 3.8.81 Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2020 | Windows 10 Enterprise x86 10.0 Up to date: Spine 3.8.86 Spine 3.8.86 Professional Licensed to: *****, ***** NVIDIA Corporation, GeForce GTX 1080 Ti/PCIe/SSE2, 4.6.0 NVIDIA 432.00 Started. OpenAL 1.1, Default audio device
Erika Hello! I can't reproduce your problem on my files, could you please send us the problematic project at mentioning this thread so we can try to reproduce what you're experiencing? I will also need to know what OS are you on, and your export settings.
Legosky007 I just found - it happens to all of my projects. Nometter what size or format. It all happened after the update.
Søren Please try closing the Preview window in Export dialog before exporting. We've managed to reproduce the bug, and are working on a fix.