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I can't start spine trial and spine at start image.

Reinstall isn't working.

Can you help my spine start again?

Could you please post your spine.log file? The forum will redact your personal information.

Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\spine.log
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/spine.log
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/spine.log


Here is the log file.


Hm, the log doesn't tell us what the problem is. Do you have any assistive software, an anti-virus or firewall installed?

I use Avira anti-virus software.
But It also isn't working when Avira is off.

And I have no firewall.

Until yesterday, there was no problem with me turning on spine.

Could you try running a lower version of Spine? Open the Terminal application, then enter:

/Applications/Spine/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/Spine -u 3.8.84

Result :
Using terminal : success turning on
After quit spine, try double click the app icon : fail

Turn on spine using terminal, change version option to 3.8.84
Quit spine
Turn on again (try double click the app icon) : fail

Is using terminal the only way to turn on spine?

No, having to start Spine from the terminal is not normal. Could you send me your spine.log file again after:

  1. Running Spine successfully from the terminal
  2. Restarting Spine through the app icon or Finder
/Applications/Spine/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/Spine -u 3.8.84

【Try 1】

  1. Running Spine successfully from the terminal
  2. Setup version option to 3.6.53
  3. Restarting Spine through the app icon or Finder
  4. SUCCESS:spine_3.6.53.log

【Try 2】

  1. Running Spine successfully from the terminal
  2. Setup version option to 3.8.84
  3. Restarting Spine through the app icon or Finder
  4. FAIL:spine_3.8.84.log

【Try 3】

  1. Running Spine successfully from the terminal
  2. Setup version option to 3.8.86
  3. Restarting Spine through the app icon or Finder
  4. FAIL:spine_3.8.86.log

【Try 4】

  1. Running Spine successfully from the terminal
  2. Setup version option to 3.7.94
  3. Restarting Spine through the app icon or Finder
  4. SUCCESS:spine_3.7.94.log

I think it's version problem.

This is really weird. I run macOS as well and went through the steps you did using Spine Launcher 3.8.82 (the program responsible for downloading Spine Editor versions and running them). I can't reproduce your issue.

The spine.log files you posted for the FAILURE cases don't contain any information about a crash. Could you describe what happens when Spine fails for you?

Start sequence is stopped when starting image is seen.
(My first image is.)

I tried wait 5min, but it didn't work.

In the past some users have found other applications on OS X to interfere with Spine. Are you running Finder "enhancements", display mirroring software, or other software that may be interfering with Spine? For example, Default Folder X causes Spine to hang and Rescue Time needs to be closed when Spine is started.

Are you using multiple monitors with OS X? If so, can you please temporarily try unplugging all but one?

Wow! Thanks, Nate.
I'm using Rescue Time, and try to start spine after Rescue Time is closed, it works!

Thank you very much.

It is best way I can start spine either Rescue Time is running or not,
but at least I can use spine now.

Great! Very sorry for the inconvenience. It's really odd that other programs interact with Spine like that. We have plans to rework Spine's windowing system in the future and hopefully that will resolve the problem.

Thank you, Nate!