抱歉,添麻烦了。 由于证书过期,我们不得不推送Spine启动器的更新。
是否根据要求从许可证页面重新下载安装程序? 请注意,任何较旧的安装程序或启动器将无法工作。
如果没有,请转到您的许可证页面,您在购买Spine时会通过电子邮件将其发送给您。 从那里下载并重新安装。 这应该可以解决问题。
Sorry for the trouble. We had to push an update of the Spine launcher due to an expiring certificate.
Did you re-download the installer from your license page as requested? Please note that any older installer or launcher will not work. If not, please go to your license page which we send you via email when you purchased Spine. Download and reinstall from there. This should fix the problem.