楼上猫 spine从旧版本到现在的新版本,spine文件的贴图颜色常常会在Corona里出现错误的颜色! :scared: :scared: 😢 希望官方能给一个解决方式! :nerd: 附件里面是测试文件(x.atlas x.json x.png),请查收!! 麻烦了,谢谢!
Mario 很抱歉给您带来麻烦,感谢您的举报。 我在这里创建了一个问题:EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes1520 Sorry for the trouble and thank you for reporting. I've created an issue here: [corona] Attachment colors do not match colors in editor · #1520
Mario 感谢您的报告。 现在,此问题已在3.8和3.9-beta分支中修复。 Thank you for reporting. This is now fixed in the 3.8 and 3.9-beta branches.
楼上猫 badlogic đã viết感谢您的报告。 现在,此问题已在3.8和3.9-beta分支中修复。 Thank you for reporting. This is now fixed in the 3.8 and 3.9-beta branches. 非常感谢!