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  • [ DopeSheet ] Right Mouse Scroling

Hi !

Sorry one more question.

Currently we can HORIZONTALLY drag the dopesheet using Right mouse click. Is there a shortcut to allow us to VERTICALLY drag the dopesheet? :nerd:


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Of course there is 😃 as you can find in the User Guide: Dopesheet - Spine User Guide: Keys

Similar to the timeline, left clicking in the key area sets the timeline position and dragging with the right mouse button pans the timeline left or right. Scrolling the mouse wheel over the key area scrolls it up or down.

Erikari đã viết

Of course there is 😃 as you can find in the User Guide: Dopesheet - Spine User Guide: Keys

Similar to the timeline, left clicking in the key area sets the timeline position and dragging with the right mouse button pans the timeline left or right. Scrolling the mouse wheel over the key area scrolls it up or down.

AH thats really cool!

Darn... I didn't notice this cuz I don't use the mouse. I'm using my wacom because of wrist issues .. There's no keyboard hotkey I guess eh? 😐

There are hotkeys that help when using a Wacom or similar:

Pan Drag: J
Zoom Drag: U
Pan Move: 
Zoom Move: 

These are for the viewport though. There's not currently a hotkey to scroll the dopesheet vertically.

I am curious, how do you get by without a mouse wheel? Scrolling is one of the most common tasks (especially in a browser) and is very tedious with a pen. Personally I use a Kensington Export Mouse, which is actually a trackball. The ball is large and comfortable and the device is much better for your wrists than a mouse. The genius thing about it though is the ring around the ball rotates

it's a scroll wheel.

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Nate đã viết

There are hotkeys that help when using a Wacom or similar:

Pan Drag: J
Zoom Drag: U
Pan Move: 
Zoom Move: 

These are for the viewport though. There's not currently a hotkey to scroll the dopesheet vertically.

I am curious, how do you get by without a mouse wheel? Scrolling is one of the most common tasks (especially in a browser) and is very tedious with a pen. Personally I use a Kensington Export Mouse, which is actually a trackball. The ball is large and comfortable and the device is much better for your wrists than a mouse. The genius thing about it though is the ring around the ball rotates

it's a scroll wheel.

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@Nate Thanks for the shortcuts! I use CTRL + RMB(top button on pen) to zoom and RMB to pan.

Actually alot of programs have alternatives to the mouse wheel. Come to think of it I don't really use the mouse wheel for anything. Aside from web browsing.. I don't use the mouse wheel.

Things like photoshop there's CTRL + Space to zoom in. Blender also has a shortcut.. I can't remember off the top of my head... Unity is CTRL + SHIFT to zoom. 🙂