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  • Is there any alternate ways to import psd to spine?

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There's one problem about the whole photoshop to spine script... I cannot download photoshop cs2.

It seems it wasn't free in the first place; it was available for people who bought cs2 legit way but forgot their serial code. And somehow Adobe decided to come up with a better way and closed the cs2 download page. or I couldn't find it at all

anyway, I can still make PSD files via CSP. Is it possible to use psd file directly, without that script?

Seems you're right, we'll take down the text about CS2. FWIW a quick Google found the download information on reasonably well known download sites (but of course try it at your own risk!):

PSD is a proprietary format. There is some information on how to parse the data, but much of making use of the data relies on Photoshop for combining layers, filters/effects, etc. I'm afraid Photoshop is the only good way to process a PSD file. We could write software that does some processing of PSDs, but it would fail to work correctly for some PSDs, which is not great.

We looked into exporting Spine JSON from CSP but Celsys told us their SDK doesn't have access to the necessary information, so it's not possible to write a plugin that does it.

Affinity Designer has built in export-to-Spine-JSON support, though I don't think it's as powerful as the script (no layer tags).

Is it possible for you to export a full frame PNG for each layer? I'd much rather we write software that takes PNGs, strips whitespace, and generates Spine JSON to position them. Maybe the PNGs could have "tags" like the Photoshop script. This would give us a path to get data out of any image editing software and into Spine, without tying us to nasty Adobe products.

Thanks for your tips and suggestion Nate. I've found some details which I didn’t know.

Two of the character artists in my team also use CSP instead of PS. I guess Celsys should improve their SDK to make it possible. If possible we really want to skip Photoshop completely in the workflow but we need the tag support.

Nate đã viết

Is it possible for you to export a full frame PNG for each layer?

While I should do that manually, but yeah, it's possible.
looking forward to that scrip that allows bunch of pngs to spine directly.

I would love a feature like that one. Currently I export from ToonBoom Harmony, and one of the biggest issues is that when you export you create the whole png and have to use another software to delete all the white space (I use Affinity Photo).