spine更新到3.8.13后导出的json cocos闪退
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Hello! the json format just changed in 3.8.13-beta. Since it's beta features, they are still being ported so it's likely this could be the cause.
(but I'll leave the last word to Mario who knows best)
你好! json格式刚刚在3.8.13-beta中更改。 由于它是beta功能,它们仍然被移植,因此可能这可能是原因。
Erika is correct. The spine-cpp runtime does not yet support the latest JSON and binary format. We'll have that done by the end of today, latest end of tomorrow. Watch the 3.8-beta branch of the Spine Runtimes GitHub repository.
Erika是对的。 spine-cpp运行时尚不支持最新的JSON和二进制格式。 我们将在今天结束,即明天的最后结束时完成。
badlogic đã viết
现在能麻烦问一下怎么解决吗?我们的前端找不到新的Cocos Creator运行库。十分感谢。
Cocos Creator开发人员已在此处发送了拉取请求:https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes/pull/1347
这是使用我们的spine-cpp运行时。 API在3.7和3.8之间没有变化,至少不是Cocos Creator使用的API。 您可以使用3.8-beta分支中的最新spine-cpp源以及上述链接中的Cocos Creator集成。
The Cocos Creator developers have sent a pull request here: Add support for Cocos Creator by sunnylanwanjun · Pull Request #1347
This is using our spine-cpp runtime. The API has not changed between 3.7 and 3.8, at least not the API used by Cocos Creator. You can simply use the latest spine-cpp sources from the 3.8-beta branch together with the Cocos Creator integration from the above link.