Hi Guys,
Do you think it possible to add a new option for the path editing?
I have to do the same basic pattern each time I create my character.
Hi Guys,
Do you think it possible to add a new option for the path editing?
I have to do the same basic pattern each time I create my character.
You can make some templates files with path you want. Then import it in project as another skeleton and drag the path to new skeleton.
mfedorov, good idea. We'd like to provide some shapes, especially a circle, but we couldn't possibly provide all the paths people might need.
Circles would be cool to start with
I saw this (2 years ago T3T), it's the same idea. Having some presets save some precious time 8)
To add to mfedorov's idea:
Note that if you export your template skeleton as json, you can drag the json file from your file manager/Windows File Explorer into the Spine window to import the skeleton into your project.
Make sure you uncheck the "New Project" checkbox to import it into your currently open project instead of a new one.