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  • How to turn your 2d character looking 3D

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Hello guys. I just bought spine pro edition last weekend. This topic may already have been answered in this forum but I don't seem to find it.
Also I searched for it at youtube but the information didn't suffice. I'm hoping you could show me the ropes on how to turn my 2d character looking 3D. I saw Orcanon Odyssey showreel quality and that is what I really want to achieve in the future.

Thanks in advance 🙂

Glad to have you on board 🙂

To get a 3D look on your character, you will need to create vertices inside the mesh that you can manipulate.
See more here: Meshes - Spine User Guide: Deformation

I've created a small example project that shows how to do create a cube like this:

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Download: cube.zip

A few more vertices will allow you to do something like this:

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Try practicing faking 3D with simple "objects" first.

I hope this helps

Little tip from myself.
You have to change point of view, try to look on the 3D effect not as a whole but as scale, rotate, move etc. Try to see which element and how would be moved by scaling, rotating, translate tools which you can use in 2D. In fact using those tools, parts, you can build illusion which well folded gives the 3D effect 🙂 It really helped me when I changed perspective.

Thank you guys. This helped a lot 🙂

15 ngày sau

Hi Shiu, can you tell me how to do it step by step? thank you 🙂